November 6, 2019  4:50 PM – 10:00 PM GMT+0
Workshop Track D

Regional Digital Government Summit

New for 2019, the Regional Digital Government Summit is a place for provincial, state, and municipal government leaders to focus on the unique opportunities and obstacles they face. Chaired by some of North America’s digital government pioneers, join this intimate gathering of under 100 executives within FWD50.

The summit will cover a wide range of topics, including de-risking technology projects in the public sector, a digital government maturity framework, procurement and process changes needed for transformation, building talent capabilities and learning programs, and much more.

This event is open to all attendees of FWD50, however, participants will be asked to sign in at the door so that the nature of the event is understood, the room is secure, and we can keep in touch.



11:50AM – 12:30PM: Dear First 90 Day CDO Me
What advice would Chief Digital Officers give themselves if they could go back to their first 90 days?
Join Hillary Hartley, Nikhil Deshpande, and Catherine Desgagné-Belzil in a moderated session focused on candid reflection and learning.

12:30PM – 12:50PM: Grab lunch in the lounge!

12:50PM – 1:30PM: Interactive Dialogue on a Maturity Model for Digital Government with David Eaves
Join your peers in a communal conversation about where your public-sector organization sits on the scale of digital maturity. Meet, eat, and compare notes with fellow digital government peers.

1:30PM – 2:55PM: In the Spotlight: Local Leadership
Katinnganiq: Community, Connectivity and Digital Access for Life Promotion in Nunavut

2:55PM – 3:20PM: Break

3:20PM – 4:00PM: Skillbuilding for a New Era of Public Work with Anna Wong, Daphnée Nostrome and Oscar Espinoza
As the digital future unfolds, new skills are needed to ensure robust and resilient digital teams.
Learn how various governments are equipping the next generation of public servants with the skills and mindsets needed to scale human-centred services across the nation.

4:00PM – 5:00PM: Hacking the Bureaucracy with Honey Dacanay, Rumon Carter, Georges Clement, and moderated by Allyna Sagun
In a lively, Ask-Me-Anything-style format, bring your burning questions to rebels and rule-benders who have solved interesting problems in complex organizations with creativity, collaboration and commitment.

5:00PM: Closing Remarks

Chief Digital Officer and Head of Quebec’s Digital Center of Excellence
Province of Quebec
Chief Digital & Data Officer
Government of Ontario
Deputy Minister, Digital Strategy
Government of Ontario
Chief Digital Officer
State of Georgia
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
Head, Digital Talent Strategy, Benefits Delivery Modernization
Service Canada
Digital Policy and Governance Leader
Governments of Ontario and Canada
Lecturer in Public Policy
Harvard Kennedy School
MPP Candidate
Harvard Kennedy School