FWD50 is an international conference, and speakers are free to speak in either of Canada’s official languages. We will not be providing real-time audio translation on-site for either language.
Our plan is to provide live machine captioning in both languages in real time on the live stream; and to machine transcribe and translate with human correction before publishing recorded copies of the talks. Videos will be available with subtitles off, French subtitles, or English subtitles.
Yes! We’re committed to making the event accessible to all those who want to have a voice. With that in mind, here are some other ways to get involved:
The short answer is no. There are a number of reasons for this:
We offer several ways for groups to save on attendance:
As well as being our online events platform, pas are available on our community platform, Access FWD50.
You can learn more about our community platform, and sign up, here.
Need help? If something isn’t working the way it should, or you need help, mail support@fwd50.com.
For Canadian Federal employees, FWD50 has been deemed as training by the government-wide functional community lead (in this case, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) for IM/IT-related large information-sharing or learning sessions) on September 15, 2017, as posted on the government of Canada internal GCpedia site Conference versus training: Large information-sharing or learning sessions. This is in keeping with the Guide to Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures.
We'll be running content throughout the year. We want to showcase incredible stories about how digital government is driving efficiency, improving services, and modernizing the public sector. Unlike past years, the call for proposals will be open all year round.
You can expect to hear back from us if you get selected, within 15 business days.
Did we miss something? Please let us know; we’ll do our best to consider every request fairly and quickly.