November 6, 2019  4:50 PM – 5:30 PM

The tradeoffs of technology

Since the first human invented technology, we’vre struggled with the ethics of efficiency. Technology is knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools. And when those problems and tools replace human jobs, or change the social construct, we have to discuss tradeoffs. Until recently, technology was analog—levers, pulleys, wheels, and automation. But where the steam age replaced muscles with machines, the digital age replaces neurons with algorithms. In this digital era, tradeoffs are far bigger and more wide-ranging. In this session, we’ll look at where we should draw the line between rapid tech adoption and caution that borders on trepidation. Moderated by Alex Howard, it’s a critical discussion about the edges of tech and society.

Director of Development and Public Realm
Sidewalk Labs
Director of the Digital Democracy Project
Director of Machine Learning
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