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Alexander Howard (he/him)

Director of the Digital Democracy Project

Howard, an internationally recognized digital governance analyst and open government advocate at E-PluribusUnum.org, now leads a new digital democracy initiative at Demand Progress.

He is the former deputy director of the Sunlight Foundation, the Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media, a columnist for TechRepublic at CBS Interactive, senior editor at the Huffington Post and TechTarget, and has held fellowships at Harvard and Columbia University.

Read more here.



The tradeoffs of technology

Since the first human invented technology, we’vre struggled with the ethics of efficiency. Technology is knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools. And when those problems and tools replace human jobs, or change the social construct, we have to discuss tradeoffs. See More.


We surveyed people to find the critical technologies and departments. And we chose these to create four concurrent half-hour discussions, four times over. It’s a choreographed dance of experts, ideas, and disruption. See More.