October 24, 2024  1:25 PM EDT – 1:55 PM EDT
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Doing digital differently? Digitalization and governance in federal systems

In this session, experts from the Forum of Federations and the University of Ottawa Centre on Governance will present the key takeaways from their upcoming book on the dynamic intersection of digital public administration and federal governance. Digitalization poses challenges for governments at all levels, and better understanding how federal and multilevel countries face and address these challenges can support future policy development in this rapidly developing area of governance practice. The presenters will provide perspectives on key dynamics that have influenced approaches to digital public administration in different countries, with a specific focus on Canada and Mexico, as well as discuss some of the lessons learned and ongoing barriers drawing on international comparative practice in the field.

Senior Program Manager
Forum of Federations
Program Officer
Forum of Federations
Instructor and PhD Candidate in Public Administration
University of Ottawa
Full Professor
University of Ottawa