Steven Woodward is CEO of Cloud Perspectives, specializing in advanced and accelerated cloud computing roadmaps that leverage various hosting and service options for secured and governed innovation.
Currently serving with the Cloud Security Alliance as a Canadian Chapter Director, ISO/ IEC SC7 (Systems) & SC38 (Cloud) Canadian representative, NIST Co-lead Cloud Carrier and Cloud Auditor sub-groups and cloud federation contributor with NIST and IEEE. Steven is also chair of the Industry Standards Committee with IFPUG (international software sizing standards). These standards enable interoperability, transparent and governed innovation, impacting businesses and citizen services.
Stevens’ 2019 focus is on clarifying geo-jurisdictions, cloud federation, edge computing, pricing and service level agreement metrics, that incorporate security and privacy while complying with complex multi-jurisdictions.
For over 20 years Steven has been consulting and training internationally, advising governments and enterprises regarding, complex project outsourcing, contracting, cloud computing roadmaps, estimation/ planning and governance, resulting in saving several hundreds of millions of dollars.