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Ioana Finichiu (she/her)

Innovation and Policy Services, Canada School of Public Service, Government of Canada

Enthusiastic and passionate about knowledge sharing, collaboration, and culture change in the Public Service, Ioana shares this through her current role with the Canada School of Public Service and work with OneTeamGov.

As a public servant since 2006, she has worked in operations, headquarters, central agencies, and with a functional community office in Montreal, Ottawa, and internationally. Ioana thinks people – the public and colleagues in public sectors across Canada and beyond – are at the heart of what we do. She believes in doing the right thing, even when it is harder than doing things right.

Current motto: “I am not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it”



One Team Gov Canada - a global movement, a community of innovators focused on radical public sector reform through practical action

In the session Ioana will take you through how the One Team Gov movement got started in the United Kingdom, how it spread globally and specifically to Canada, the mission and principles that unite the community, and how you can get involved. They believe that together, we are unstoppable. See More.


We surveyed people to find the critical technologies and departments. And we chose these to create four concurrent half-hour discussions, four times over. It’s a choreographed dance of experts, ideas, and disruption. See More.