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Michelle Shevin (she/her)

Senior Program Manager of the Public Interest Technology Catalyst Fund, Ford Foundation

Michelle Shevin is Senior Program Manager of the Public Interest Technology Catalyst Fund at Ford Foundation, where she focuses on supporting infrastructure for a technology ecosystem designed in the public interest. She believes that in the spirit of public interest law, our current moment demands public-centered institutions and robust networks of aligned organizations expanding the space for justice and accountability. As we continue to datify and digitize our systems and services across sectors and industries, public interest values like equity, representation, and accountability must be central to problem framing, solution design, and technology delivery. With a background in science and technology studies (STS) and strategic planning, she is also an adjunct professor of futures thinking methodologies at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. She holds a BA in Anthropology from Barnard College and a MA in Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School.



Can the platform be of service? – The commitment to person-centered design when adopting tech models in the public sector

How do we take the best from concepts like platform-as-a-service into government while avoiding the worst elements of tech giant behavior and public sector bureaucracy? See More.