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Jayson McIntosh (he/him)

Digital Standards Lead Digital Change Sector, Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat

Jayson McIntosh, Senior Technical Adviser of the Digital Change Sector at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), holds a Bachelor of Computer Science, as well as a Master’s of Engineering Management. An experienced digital systems professional and entrepreneur, Jayson has worked with various Ottawa based start-ups, as well as numerous departments within the Government of Canada. Among them, Shared Services Canada, Immigration and Refugee Board, Public Service Commission, Employment and Social Development Canada, and is presently at TBS. Jayson has held roles on operations teams, development teams, and has experience leading teams in operations and strategy, and now works in the world of policy. Jayson focuses on maintaining a holistic view of IT, from management, policy, and strategy, down into the weeds of hands-on technical implementations of IT systems. He strives to understand from top to bottom how best to transform and improve the way the Government of Canada delivers digital services to Canadians.



Digital Standards as a Service

In this session you’ll hear about how and why the first digital standards were written in the UK, and how this work has been built upon by teams in Canada and the US. See More.