Janet leads Canada’s Talent & Organization/Human Potential Practice. She is also a member of Accenture Canada’s Strategy & Consulting Leadership Team as well as the NA and Global T&O/HP Leadership Teams.
Janet has 25+ years of experience focused on leading a wide variety of programs helping organizations harness digital technologies and evolve their workforces to innovate, unlock new sources of value and “lead in the new.” Her expertise includes Organization Transformation, Behavior and Culture Change, Employee Experience, Agile ways of working, Talent strategy, NewSkilling, and Journey Management with Design Thinking at the core.
Janet is passionate about the importance of people in the digital age and preparing organizations best for their digital journeys and the Future of Work. With Employee Experience at the centre, Janet partners with her clients to help reimagine possibilities for growth and to unleash the potential of people.
She is an advocate for Inclusion & Diversity and the advancement of women in Consulting and is also active within the community, currently on the ACCES Employment Board of Directors.