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Robert Butler (he/him)

Senior Advisor, Canada Free Agent, Global Affairs Canada

Rob Butler is a senior advisor and Canada Free Agent (CFA) at Global Affairs Canada (GAC). He is passionate about improving the Government through interdepartmental collaboration. He is working on a #GCDigital Grants and Contributions Initiative (GCTI) modernization project within the Project Value and Management Office (PVMO) and providing some advice on other projects where users are at the foundation of design.
Rob is known for his practical approach to networking. He effectively loves connecting individuals across Government and the private sector, building communities that emphasize idea-sharing and positive, authentic interactions.
In his recent roles with the Government of Canada, Rob has achieved notable successes:
  • Digital Credentials Community of Practice (DCCP): Launched this initiative within the Office of the Chief Information Officer at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
  • Outreach and Engagement: Organized virtual events for Shared Services Canada during the pandemic and for Employment and Social Development Canada's Benefits Delivery Modernization project.
  • Hybrid and In-Person Conferences: Led technical direction and user experience design for the Policy Community Partnership Office and the Communications Community Office at the Privy Council Office (PCO), including Learning Days 2020.
  • Event UX: Continuously working to improve hybrid and in-person conferences and meetings. From co-designing and producing the virtual agenda of the TBS-led Ministerial Digital Nations Summit to the PCO/PHAC information COVID session, Rob looks to merge the in-person and hybrid experience through technology and facilitation that meets not only accessibilities by design but by its foundational principles and implementation.
Rob continues to influence community building and design through his work with the Free Agent Program. He uses multimedia and production tools to create collaborative, informative, and accessible events, aiming to unify diverse ideas and efforts to address governmental challenges for the benefit of attendees internally and externally to the GoC.
Rob's career also includes:
  • Public Service Accessibility: Rob has developed engagement practices while working in the Deputy Minister's Office at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
  • Digital Enablement: Led mapping projects and connected individuals working in digital areas within the Office of the Chief Information Officer at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
  • Benefits and Delivery Modernization: Developed engagement events for Employment and Social Development Canada to inform employees about transformations in old-age security and employment insurance.
  • Policy Community Partnership Office: Contributed to initiatives at TBS/PCO, now at the Canada School of Public Service.
  • Event Logistics and Production: Private sector experience where he managed significant seasonal events in Mexico, Dominican, Montreal and South Padre, Texas for over 15 years.
  • Promotion and Marketing: My private sector experience includes hosting film screenings for Walt Disney Motion Pictures and, previously, Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures.
Let's do Government better and engage the citizen, the "user," in all of our #GCDigital endeavours.