November 3, 2022  1:35 PM – 2:00 PM GMT+0
Inspiring & Interacting

A Better Definition of Resilience

When everything stops working, do you know how to start it again? Every organization needs to not only protect and detect problems, but also recover from them. Yet precious few have a clear understanding of what can go wrong—and almost none test their plans regularly. We used to have a "cyber world", separate from more tangible problems like flooding, electrical outages, and other emergencies, but today we have to treat cyber as a force of nature. And that means knowing what your Minimum Viable Organization is.

In this session, Kyndryl's Felicity (Flick) March joins FWD50 chair Alistair Croll for a conversation about disaster readiness, risk, and how we need to redefine "cyber resilience" more broadly to mitigate today's physical and digital realities.

Global Vice President of Growth: Cyber Resilience
Kyndryl Canada