November 5, 2019  2:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT+0
Workshop Track B

Cloud migration powered by DevOps

The fundamentals:

  • How to view a cloud migration – the opportunities
  • What are we trying to improve?
  • How do we know how to improve it?
  • How do we know we did improve it?


The Reality

Migrations in Hybrid Multi-Cloud World

  • The lure and gravity of “All-In”
  • How to own your destiny and still save time and money

Changes in thinking – DevOps Transformation

  • Waterfall to Agile to DevOps
  • Realms of DevOps

The Cloud Landscape for the Government of Canada

  • Hyperscalers play for Canada

Key Areas for Technical UpSkilling

  • Infrastructure-as-code, configuration management, secrets management, containers, DevOps monitoring, CI/CD, DevNetOps

An overview of Open Source projects that help you control cost and destiny


The Practice

Six Stages of Cloud Migration

  1. Discovery
  2. Assess Business Value and Risk
  3. Plan
    1. 6 strategies for application migration
    2. Cloud Models of ReHosting or ReFactoring
    3. Cloud Native vs Cloud Vendor Native)
  4. Design
    1. Infrastructure As Code
    2. Configuration Management
  5. Execute
    1. Execute the automation, migrate the data and switch over
  6. Operate
    1. Traditional lifecycle management transitions to continuous lifecycle management in the cloud


The Demo

  • The Ease of Migration and Enhanced Security of Public Cloud Operations.
  • Characteristics of applications and related operations before and after migration: what changes? What improves? What do you get for free? What do you need to do even better than ever?

Frictionless work is powerful but a slippery slope!

Director of Open Source Community
Lead Cloud Architect
Founder and CEO