November 2, 2022  3:25 PM – 3:50 PM GMT+0
Inspiring & Interacting

C4C & CfA: A fireside chat

It’s been roughly 13 years since Code for America was founded, while Code for Canada just celebrated their first five. What does the digital government landscape look like now compared to their early days? What role does civic technology have to play in a post-pandemic world? What do the next five and ten years look like for the movement? And what do the U.S. and Canada have to learn from one another?

Join Code for America CEO Amanda Renteria and Code for Canada Executive Director Dorothy Eng for a conversation on public interest technology and the work that’s happening - and still needs to happen - from both inside and outside of government. From the nuances of partnering with government teams, to activating and supporting grassroots organizations, they’ll dig into how each of their organizations has grown and changed over the last year, and where civic tech might be headed next.

Code for America
Executive Director
Code for Canada