November 6, 2024  10:30 AM GMT-5 – 11:15 AM GMT-5

Change my mind

While we think we’re rational creatures, science shows that our emotions are in charge of most decisions. It’s easy to change someone’s mind—as long as they agree with you. Fortunately, there are techniques such as Deep Canvassing that can help you see another perspective, and even find common ground with your opponents.
In this activity, you’ll “vote” by sitting at one of nine tables, split along two dimensions of a particular topic. You’ll start by discussing why you chose that position with those who agree with you, then explore why others might feel differently. Finally, you’ll get a chance to meet face-to-face with those on the other side of the debate, and try to find consensus. At the very least, you’ll learn how and why different people can have different points of view.

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