November 5, 2024  9:00 AM GMT-5 – 9:30 AM GMT-5
Inspiring & Interacting

Riding the hype cycle

Every five years, the technology industry goes through a Hype Cycle. Client-server computing, the Internet, Web and Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, SaaS, mobile apps and the blockchain have all climbed what Gartner calls the Peak of Inflated Expectations before inevitably tumbling into a trough of disillusionment. Today, AI is having its own time on summit.

How do we make the most of these moments? Can we tackle some low-hanging fruit while reaching for the new, shiny thing? Join public sector veteran, head of USDR, and FWD50 co-chair Hillary Hartley for an entertaining—and slightly subversive—take on riding the hype cycle to deliver what actually needs to get done.

Chief Executive Officer
U.S. Digital Response
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