speaker photo

Barry Lowry (he/him)

Government CIO, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Ireland

Barry Lowry has been the Chief Information Officer for the Irish Government since April 2016 with the primary task of taking forward the Public Service ICT and eGovernment Strategies. These set out ambitions for developing the use of shared services, digital services and data to better serve the people of Ireland and ensure that Ireland is well-placed to benefit from European initiatives such as the Digital Single Market.

Barry was previously the Director for IT Shared Services and Strategy and Head of the IT Profession within the Northern Ireland Civil Service. Barry is a Fellow of the Irish and British Computer Societies and is a former winner of the BCS Northern Ireland IT Professional of the Year. He was awarded an O.B.E. for services to the Northern Ireland Government and the Northern Ireland Computer Industry in 2017.


50 mois

Étude de cas : Passage au numérique



À FWD50, nous sommes conscients de l’importance d’expérimenter afin de croître et d’innover. Lors de la première édition de la conférence, les participants nous ont affirmé leur désir de réseauter davantage et de discuter de sujets d’actualité spécifiques. C’est pourquoi, en partenariat avec BlackBerry, nous avons créé un tout nouveau format participatif nommé « Circlesquare ». En savoir plus.