8 novembre 2018  5:00 PM – 5:35 PM GMT+0
50 ans

Transformers : plus qu'une simple apparence

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Pia Andrews will discuss the usefulness of developing optimistic horizons that guide urgently needed government transformation, from services to policy and everything in between. The talk will explore transformation work happening in other jurisdictions, will explain handy ways to differentiate between iteration and transformation, and will show methods for exploring and designing better futures with the people and communities we serve. The talk will prepare public servants to shift to a public vales management and intergenerational wellness approach, and for how to respond in an exponentially changing and complex world without creating new societal divides and inequities.

Directrice exécutive du gouvernement numérique, ministère des finances, des services et de l'innovation
New South Wales Government, Australia