5 novembre 2019  2:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT+0
Trame Ateliers A

Les bases de la rédaction de politiques numériques efficaces : Un atelier pour les personnes qui rédigent les règles

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

To regulate employee and client behaviour in a digital environment, organizations produce Policies and Directives setting out new rules. Too often, though, these documents are so long and confusing that no one reads them, and they are often written in a way that sounds like angry parents yelling at naughty children. Getting compliance under these conditions is an uphill battle. The challenge is especially acute for subject matter experts who have never been formally trained in policy writing.

In this half-day workshop, policy writers will learn how to draft policy instruments quickly, easily, and raising fewer objections. The results will be rules that are clear, succinct, and respectful, inviting compliance rather than impeding it.

Conférencier, consultant, auteur