5 novembre 2020  8:45 PM – 9:25 PM GMT+0

La plateforme peut-elle être utile ? - L'engagement en faveur d'une conception centrée sur la personne lors de l'adoption de modèles technologiques dans le secteur public

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Business model concepts originated within entrepreneurship and e-commerce and have migrated to the public sector. But when translating these models to government, often the core logic gets lost in translation. How do we take the best from concepts like platform-as-a-service into government while avoiding the worst elements of tech giant behavior and public sector bureaucracy?

This discussion will explore the most useful concepts that originate from business model logic but centered in key framing questions: How might we participate with users to define what it is that we value? When replicating and adapting a platform-as-a-service model, how are we creating conditions for developers and innovators to accelerate the creation of new products and services for constituents? How do we maintain commitments to person-centered design methodologies, agile implementation approaches, rigorous ethical review, and algorithmic auditing? How do we make explicit and inclusive the discussion of what values get embedded in tools?

Gestionnaire principale de programme, Public Interest Technology Catalyst Fund
Ford Foundation
Reason Street
CTO adjointe pour les services numériques
Ville de New York
Directrice adjointe de Data + Digital
Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation