9 novembre 2020  6:30 PM – 8:00 PM GMT+0

Normes numériques en tant que service

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Digital standards have set a new bar for what good looks like for digital government. They have openly codified best practice, encouraged new ways of working, and challenged bad behaviour. In many countries, standards have started to become part of the public service fabric, shaping incentives in ways that weren’t always predicted.

In this session you’ll hear about how and why the first digital standards were written in the UK, and how this work has been built upon by teams in Canada and the US. You’ll also participate in a conversation about what the future of this bureaucratic toolkit might look like, and whether a global standard could act as a powerful lever for digital service teams around the world.

Auteur, Associé fondateur
Public Digital
Académie du numérique, École de la fonction publique du Canada
Propriétaire des produits Alpha.ca.gov et covid19@ca.gov
Office of Digital Innovation
Secrétaire adjointe à l'engagement numérique
Agence californienne des opérations gouvernementales
Directrice des données et de numérique
Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
Digital Standards Lead Digital Change Sector, Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor