2 novembre 2021  8:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+0

Scénarios pour la datasphère

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

For at least 40 years, the development of the Internet and our digital devices have been shaped by science fiction and by marketing videos. We build what we envision. That’s why the metaphors and memes we use to describe our Digital Future are so important. Mike Nelson will use “future thinking” and scenarios to describe what could be (and should be)—IF we make the right policy decisions and business choices. His talk will describe the harm being done by memes like “Data is the New Oil”, “intellectual property”, “Digital sovereignty”, and “control your data”. More importantly, he will propose new ways to think about data, the Cloud, and the Internet—and how they could counter efforts by governments and corporations to contain and control what we can do with the digital tools that are empowering average citizens around the world.

Boursier principal, Programme Asie
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace