4 novembre 2021  3:15 PM – 3:25 PM GMT+0
Séance plénière

Internet nuit à la société partie 1 : comment nous en sommes arrivés là

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

How to regulate the internet has been a blazing hot topic lately, with Germany, the EU, the UK, Australia, and now also Canada taking steps to curb online harms. It’s a complex landscape, with lots of room for error, and governments are picking their way through it gingerly and with trepidation.

Sue Gardner is the former longtime head of the Wikimedia Foundation, the San Francisco based nonprofit that operates Wikipedia. In 2007, Sue moved to the San Francisco Bay Area as an internet optimist. Thirteen years later, she left as a horrified pessimist. In this brief talk, Sue will describe how and why the internet developed the way it did.

Fondatrice et PDG
Tiny Ventures