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Angelica Quirarte (elle)

Propriétaire des produits Alpha.ca.gov et covid19@ca.gov, Office of Digital Innovation

Secrétaire adjointe à l'engagement numérique, Agence californienne des opérations gouvernementales

Angelica Quirarte, also known as Angie, is the Assistant Secretary for Digital Engagement at the CA Government Operations Agency and product owner of alpha.ca.gov. In her role she develops and implements state-level governance structures and policies for digital innovation including web standards, web accessibility, open data, and open source. She was a member of the California GovOps DMV Strike Team that Governor Newsom announced in January 2019 where she led the coordination of the strike teams’ deliverables to help transform DMV service delivery; and champions initiatives such as Code California and the state’s open data program. Most recently she led the team that created Californian’s response website to COVID19- covid19.ca.gov.

To support the platform of change, she founded NxtGov, a network of government change-agents looking to bring pride back into public service and bridge the silos to help us collaborate, serve, and inspire the next generations of public servants. Angie was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and migrated to the Bay Area with her parents and two younger brothers when she was 10 years old. She has a BA in History of Public Policy from UC Santa Barbara and loves to dance and spicy food.


Sommet régional du gouvernement numérique

Expo : Prestation numérique dans l’ère de la COVID

Lumière sur comment le secteur public a répondu à l’appel de la prestation de produits centrés sur l’utilisateur qui répondent aux besoins uniques et imprévisibles des gens lors d’une pandémie mondiale, misant sur des composantes, pratiques et processus communs. En savoir plus.

Normes numériques en tant que service