speaker photo

Martin Bernier (he/him)

Chief Information Officer, Université d'Ottawa

Martin Bernier is the Chief information Officer (CIO) at the University of Ottawa since April 2018. Previously, he spent seven years in the federal public sector as the CIO at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the CIO at the National Capital Commission. Before that Martin held various executive positions such as a Strategic Advisor in the health sector, leading his own consulting company and Vice President of Information Technology for Brookfield Renewable Partners. He has more than 25 years of experience in the field of information technology and organizational transformation. His career path led him to experience in diversified industries in Canada, the United States and Europe, serving as executive and consultant in private and public organizations. He is a proud founding member of uOttawa’s Women in Innovation and the group`s first male ally.




FWD50 dans le mix

Il faut un village : Le rôle des alliés dans une véritable inclusion

Salle thématique

Policy Ignite + Salles thématiques de FWD50

Une opportunité pour dialoguer ouvertement sur des thèmes pertinents. Les salles thématiques de FWD50 permettent aux participants de participer à la conversation. Chaque salle sera animée par des experts, ce qui favorisera des conversations ouvertes, collaboratives et productives autour de thèmes prédéterminés. Choisissez le thème qui vous intéresse et commencez les échanges ! En savoir plus.