speaker photo

Angelica Quirarte (elle)

Directrice des partenariats fédéraux, Tech Talent Project

Biographie disponible en anglais uniquement.

Angie leads the Federal Portfolio for the Tech Talent Project where she helps federal agencies tackle issues around service delivery and supports tech executives navigate the federal government and hiring. She has led and supported complex statewide initiatives for the State of California including managing the Civil Service Improvement Initiative, championing open data and implementing policies and programs for open source, domain name registry, web standards, and web accessibility. She was part of the strike team that led transformations across the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and led the “Alpha” team of CA.gov which developed a new approach to building multidisciplinary digital teams that deliver and focus on impact at scale.

Angie served as an appointee of Governor Gavin Newsom as Deputy Director of the Office of Digital Innovation which she helped establish in 2019. She supported COVID19 digital response in partnership with the Governor’s Office, Department of Public Health, Department of Technology, and others. Angie also served under Governor Jerry Brown and coordinated initiatives around hiring, procurement, and technology. She focuses on bridging effective collaborations with public servants and government leaders in order to deliver digital products and services. Angie is also the founder of NxtGov.


Inspiration et discussion

Prise de contrôle du Sommet régional de l'administration numérique

En 2019, le Sommet régional du gouvernement numérique (SRGN) a été créé pour explorer les défis uniques auxquels sont confrontées les équipes de prestation de services publics au niveau municipal, provincial et étatique. En savoir plus.
Formation et action

Rencontres de mentors: Codes de conversation

Nous avons des questions, vous avez des réponses! Au cours de cette session, vous vous attaquerez à certains des défis les plus difficiles de la transformation numérique à une table composée de vos pairs et dirigée par des mentors experts. Scannez le code QR à votre table pour obtenir des incitations au sujet du thème de la table à laquelle vous participez! En savoir plus.