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Chris Allison (il)

Dirigeant principal des données, Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC)

Biographie disponible en anglais uniquement.

Chris is the Chief Data Officer and leads the Centre for Data Management, Innovation and Analysis at the Public Health Agency of Canada. The team’s role is to ensure PHAC has the talent, partnerships and capacity to generate, use, share and manage data effectively and the acuity to make effective decisions that improve public health in Canada.

Chris has been working in government for 20 years across operations, policing, immigration, national security, policy, major projects, air travel, open source collaboration, learning and leadership.

Chris a self-driven continuous learner, developer, data geek and gamer. He plays with Rust, Python, Golang and GraphQL and his recent projects include APIs on public health data and mapping diversity and inclusivity in organizations and communities. His passions are network analytics and systems – seeing the connections in our environments and between our organizations.



FWD50 Extras : L'évolution du rôle du dirigeant principal des données au sein du gouvernement du Canada

En 2021, l’Institut sur la gouvernance a lancé une étude en partenariat avec quatre ministères du gouvernement du Canada afin d’examiner le rôle des dirigeants principaux des données au sein des ministères – un poste relativement nouveau dans l’administration fédérale. En savoir plus.