7 novembre 2019  2:25 PM – 3:00 PM GMT+0
Séance plénière

Le leadership dans la transformation numérique : Un panel de réactions en chaîne

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

A move to digital government changes what we deliver, and how we deliver it, in fundamental ways. When we worked with atoms, cost forced us to accept that one size fit many; now we work with bits, every product or service can be tailored to the user. And once, leadership meant convincing others to act in the absence of information; today, it means asking the right questions of oceans of data.

What does it take to « walk the walk » of digital transformation? How do we go beyond technology to the culture needed to turn shiny new ideas into meaningful societal change? In this unique interview format, three digital pioneers from the public and private sector discuss their perspectives on how governments need to adjust to the new realities of leadership.

Première vice-présidente
Services partagés Canada (SPC)
Directrice générale, Santé et services publics Canada
Directrice générale, Inclusion et diversité Canada
Responsable du secteur public canadien
Solve for Interesting