Une opportunité pour dialoguer ouvertement sur des thèmes pertinents. Les salles thématiques de FWD50 permettent aux participants de participer à la conversation. Chaque salle sera animée par des experts, ce qui favorisera des conversations ouvertes, collaboratives et productives autour de thèmes prédéterminés. Choisissez le thème qui vous intéresse et commencez les échanges !
Veuillez noter que les titres et descriptions des salles thématiques sont disponibles en anglais uniquement.
Imagine a place where digital learning content is shared freely and in a manner simple to adopt thus driving to easy to consume, broad digital learning, across many jurisdictions? The Digital Academy, of the Canada School of the Public Service is all about Living the Digital Standards. As such, working in the Open by Default is the norm. Come learn about the Digital Learning Exchange, influence its design, and ultimately become part of a community that shares its learning content.
Strengthening the Digital Workforce of the Future is not a solo role. Our collective success for a digital tomorrow is resting on our people as the cornerstone. Come join this interactive conversation and hear of the impact a coalition of the willing can have and share your insights and experiences on what more can be done – together.
Come chat with the designers, content designers and translators who built Canada's Exposure Notification Service COVID Alert. The team will share details on how they iterated on the service and how user research with over 6000 participants helped shape how the service looks, feels and sounds.