9 novembre 2020  20:00 – 20:20
FWD50 dans le mix

Peut-on faire confiance à la quatrième révolution industrielle ?

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

$2.4 trillion will be spent in the next decade on “fourth industrial revolution” technologies that merge the physical and digital worlds to make life more efficient. Think smart buildings and self-driving cars. But as the high-profile experience of Alphabet’s Sidewalk Toronto uncovers, leaders must also ask who is being left behind and disempowered — to avoid seeding massive distrust in institutions as basic as our cities.

To turn the tide, Daniel will focus on three technology investment strategies that predict trust, building on the OECD’s cross-national survey “TrustLab.”

  • The first is ethical and responsive services — overcoming silos while protecting people.
  • The second is inclusive participation — increasing the autonomy of stakeholders.
  • The third is data-driven priorities — helping more gain access to basic needs.
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