6 novembre 2020  19:15 – 19:55
FWD50 dans le mix

Que puis-je faire ? Un leadership authentique pour créer des espaces inclusifs pour les BlPOCQ

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

We’ve all seen empty statements about diversity and inclusion. We all claim to be anti-racists, but things aren’t changing, why aren’t BIPOCQ candidates applying to our jobs, why aren’t they staying in our organizations? Why aren’t they rising up to leadership positions?

How are we suppose to design digital programs, services, and systems for everyone if we can’t create teams that are representative of a full spectrum of lived experiences?

This discussion, featuring an all BIPOCQ leadership panel, will be an honest talk about first hand experiences and what it takes to bring positive and progressive change within your organizations.

Come to this talk if you’re too shy to ask.

Come to this talk if you feel think there is a ceiling for you.

Come to this talk because we need your help.

Dirigeante principale du numérique et des données
Gouvernement de l'Ontario
Sous-ministre, Stratégie numérique
Gouvernement de l'Ontario
DPI et V.-P. de la gestion des données et de l'information
Régie de l’énergie du Canada (REC)
PLATO Testing Group of Companies
Doyen de la faculté de design
Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) University
Notification lors de la collecte Vos choix en matière de confidentialité