2 novembre 2021  5:20 PM – 6:20 PM GMT+0
Sommet régional du gouvernement numérique

Aller au-delà de l'unité de service numérique : Faire progresser la maturité numérique pour permettre une transformation durable du gouvernement

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Digital Service Units around the world are harnessing the power of human-centered design and agile development to build the products and services that communities need and want. But how can governments move beyond effective product delivery, toward advancing the digital maturity of their organization as a whole? How should governments leverage capacity building and culture change to sustain their digital transformation? What levers, such as talent and procurement, are key drivers of digital maturity in the public sector? Join our panelists as they discuss how governments can approach digital maturity advancement to create lasting and sustainable transformation that benefits the people they serve.

Dirigeant principal du numérique
État de Géorgie
Secrétaire adjointe, Services généraux, Agence des opérations gouvernementales
Agence californienne des opérations gouvernementales
Conseillère politique principale, Priorité au numérique
Services numériques de l’Ontario