3 novembre 2021  8:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+0
Études de cas canadiennes

Numériser la transition du militaire au civil

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

In this presentation, Code for Canada fellows will discuss their challenges and learnings during their project with the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG). They’ll share how they’re building a user-centric digital portal for military members transitioning to civilian life. By demonstrating new ways of working, fellows will also walkthrough how they’ve set up CAF TG teams to build more integrated systems and eliminate technical debt.

Gestionnaire de produits
Centres de transition des Forces armées canadiennes (GT FAC)
Développement de logiciels
Centres de transition des Forces armées canadiennes (GT FAC)
Conseiller spécial
Centres de transition des Forces armées canadiennes (GT FAC)