4 novembre 2021  17:20 – 18:50

Mieux pour moins

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

The promise of digital services has always been two-fold. The first is that government would be there for people at their point of need – whether they are in line at an in-person centre, or online long after their kids have gone to bed. The second is that it would be better for less.

During this talk each speaker will unpack each aspect about what actually does get better for less in government services and in how government works and operates.

Directrice des produits
Services numériques de l’Ontario
CTO adjointe pour les services numériques
Ville de New York
Directrice exécutive, Modernisation de la prestation des services
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
Gestionnaire senior, Transformation
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
Chargée de communication, Transformation
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
Notification lors de la collecte Vos choix en matière de confidentialité