Rob works in the #GCDigital transformation area of the Government of Canada in engagement and outreach. Currently, he co-leads informative, interactive events under the umbrella of the Benefits and Modernization at ESDC/Service Canada.
Over the past four years in several outreach roles, Rob has engaged colleagues through communities and networks, as well as Twitter and LinkedIn. For example, he has built a Twitter @HiCommunities for civil servants and continues to co-lead Twitter discussions through #LeadersGC on topics that help link senior leaders with public servants across the #GoC at all levels.
What's next? Rob can't wait to tell you about it when we connect in person at FWD50! Exciting things are happening in the world of #GCDigital, and he's only just getting started. He can't wait to network and see what you've been working on in Canada and worldwide.
@LeadersGC – Connecting leaders at all levels to shape our public service.
@OneTeamGovVT – Hosting events weekly to facilitate domestic and international conversations with other OTG chapters in Australia, the UK, the EU, and Canada.
@OneTeamGov - Global 2022
@FlexGCInfo – Alumni brand launch.
Deputy Minister Office of Public Service Accessibility (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat),
Office of the Chief Information Officer (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat),
Transformation (Shared Services Canada)
Policy Community Partnership Office (Canada School of Public Service), and The HR Council (ESDC).